Sunday, November 30, 2008

Visualize World Christendom

I have been reading a history of Princeton Seminary by David B. Calhoun and I came across this little gem from the noted Princeton theologian, Archibald Alexander Hodge.

"Above all, in the multiplication of the myriad centres of Christian missions and of the myriad hosts of Christian workers, each in the spirit of the King seeking the very lowest and most degraded, everywhere lifting upward what Satan's kingdom has borne down, the kingdom is coming."

In the 19th century Princeton Seminary was not only a bastion of Protestant orthodoxy, but a major supplier of missionaries. The staff and students at Princeton and other, similar institutions throughout Christendom fixed their vision, their hearts, their minds, their prayers, and in some cases, their lives on the task of reaching the lost peoples of the world. There is still plenty of that work left to do in this century.

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